Hi There!
My name is KonstantinaWelcome to my virtual home
This space was initially built in 2016 to host my published work, relevant reviews, and updates on my present and future creations. I soon discovered, though, that it was meant to predominantly act as the sacred space where I would zealously bestow thoughts and impressions inspired by my life’s journeys.
My travelogues reflect memories, knowledge, and insights acquired while travelling around the world. They occasionally include intimate meditations – brief moments of vulnerability – inspired from the inner journey of a conscious voyager on a perpetual quest for authenticity, meaning and peace. I regard these meditations as a personal experiment towards creating a new narrative. Ultimately, the posts and projects included here represent steps on an unknown trail that, when observed from some point in the future, might make sense, revealing a purposeful pattern and a meaning that, today, remains elusive.
Thank you for visiting and for joining me on my journeys.
Let the adventure begin!
Konstantina Sakellariou

A Little Bit More About Me
Until a few years ago, my life was rather conventional. My professional career had unfolded without many surprises, as I accumulated 20 years of corporate experience working in the professional services, banking and governmental sectors, acquiring executive positions or participating in various entrepreneurial initiatives. Among other things, I was involved in human-talent related consulting, projects on life-long learning and informal education, youth development and international business expansion, working with private companies, governmental organisations, and NGOs alike.
In 2013, after my hiking adventure on Mount Kilimanjaro, I decided to take a one-year sabbatical to explore the path of self-discovery, ultimately documenting my experience in my book The Unusual Journeys of a Girl Like Any Other. Those months of extensive travelling and reflection turned into a threshold. I never returned to the corporate world. Instead, I focused on writing, exploring, creating new projects from scratch, and, in general, maintaining a more fulfilling and meaningful lifestyle.
Today, several years after my transformative sabbatical, writing and travelling remain at the heart of my everyday life. I also actively participate in select, vibrant communities, contribute through NGOs to the humanitarian aid offered in countries under distress, and experiment with various entrepreneurial initiatives. Finally, my passion for assisting people in creating new narratives led to my Pilgrimage Routes project: a variety of road trips and itineraries, virtual or physical, that offer the knowledge, insights, courage, and camaraderie necessary for the creative process to flourish.
At the moment, I live in Athens, enjoying the presence of my family and the energy of my homeland. Yet, I consider myself a citizen of the world, so who knows where I will be next?
Around the World … and Counting
I have seen so much. And yet, sometimes I feel I have barely left home.