In Gratitude for What Has Been and Anticipation for What Is Coming

In Gratitude for What Has Been and Anticipation for What Is Coming

New Year, wishes, 2018, vasilopita, cake, celebrations, home, family

January 2018. One year is behind us; a new one has already begun.

During the last hours of December, I sat, as per my annual habit, in revered contemplation and, accompanied by the clock’s rhythmic thudding, I recounted last year’s presents, hidden in moments of joy and sadness alike. Overall, it was an interesting year: adventurous and, yet, occasionally gentle; joyful and, yet, sometimes bitter.

Inspired by some of 2017’s most meaningful memories, I focus now on the months to come. For, although gratitude is the cornerstone of a fulfilled life, anticipation for what is coming is the essence of joy – this child-like quality that keeps us young and enthused.

So, may 2018 be:

  • Serene and peaceful like the Tuscan hills

Tuscany, Val D' Orcia, Italy, hills, vineyards, peaceful, serene

  • Sweet and warm like a cup of Bedouin tea

Sinai, Trail, Bedouin, tea, lunch, picnic, hiking, desert, Egypt, adventure

  • Inspiring and adventurous like a mountain peak

Mount Katherine, summit, hiking, adventure

  • Dreamy and soft like the hues of the setting sun

Athens, Greece, ancient city, sunset, Wind Tower

  • Untamed like the ancient forests of Samothrace

Samothrace, wilderness, forest, Samothraki, Greece

  • Mystical like the myths surrounding the Sanctuary of the Great Gods

Samothrace, Sanctuary of the Great Gods, Samothraki, Temple, Greece, ancient civilization

  • Divine like the ancient cedars of Lebanon

Lebanon, Cedars of God, ancient, forest

  • Intoxicating and aromatic like a glass of good, old wine

Tuscany, Italy, winery, Antinori, wine, glasses, friends

  • Passionate like a work of art by Camille Claudel

France, Camille Claudel, art, statue

  • Sacred and spiritual like the energy that cascades down the Holy Rock of Athens

Athens, Greece, Acropolis, hill, Anafiotika, night

  • Innocent and tender like the smile of a young girl

Tripoli, Lebanon, human connections, young girl, smile, happiness

  • Abundant and tasty like a dinner at home with family and friends

Tripoli, Lebanon, Family, celebration, feast, home cooking, friends

Happy New Year to all!

Photos: © Konstantina Sakellariou

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About The Author

Konstantina Sakellariou

Explorer at heart. Entrepreneur by profession. Curious as a cat. In love with life, variety, and a bit of chaos. Writer of "The Unusual Journeys of a Girl Like Any Other", founder of "My Unusual Journeys" online magazine, partner at Rahhalah Explorers, traveller and passionate story-hunter.


  1. Villy Plemmenou

    The best wishes I have ever had. Dear Konstantina, I hope in the new year you get all that you are wishing for. And most of all I hope you continue to “take” us to all these wonderful places you travel to. Reading your articles feels like I’ve been there!

    • Konstantina Sakellariou

      Thank you so much, Villy! Happy New Year to you and your loved ones! Lots of hugs! 🙂


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