It takes so little

August was rather dull for my youngest, 10-years-old nephew who, deprived of his friends and his brother – all of whom were vacationing elsewhere – he spent long, lethargic days at my parents’ house, slaying far too many dragons on the PlayStation, watching too many videos on his mobile, and getting spoiled on the number of ice creams he would eat a day. So, when I returned to Athens after my summer endeavours and organised a mini excursion by the sea for my parents and him, he assumed that his routine had changed and could now plan for more.
The day after the excursion, he arrived at my parents’ holding, once again, his beach bag with his swimming suit and toys. I had no plans to go to the beach – I was swamped with numerous issues left unattended during the weeks of my absence – but when I heard that he was all prepared and ready for an outing, I did not feel like disappointing him. So I dumped everything and rushed to pick him up.
My sudden presence did not surprise him; he took it for granted with the disarming innocence of his age.
“I had a hunch that we would go to the sea today; that’s why I brought my bag,” he told me.
“On the contrary!” I replied. “I had no plans to go to the beach. I arranged it only because you brought your bag!”
As I was driving, I thought about what had happened. My nephew had not asked for anything – he would not even complain had I not showed up. He just came prepared, and I answered his silent invitation. Ultimately, it takes so little – a mere intention, an inner wish, a thought – to achieve what we want. Reminder to self: “If you want to go swimming, just carry your swimming suit and let the rest take care of itself. Most probably, it will.”
Photo credits: © Konstantina Sakellariou