New Year Inspirations: A Journey in Photos

Here we are again: an end and a beginning. A cycle closes (some of those cycles we call them “years” and we give them numbers) and a new one commences, as a constant reminder that there is eternal hope because any moment can turn into a unique inaugural point.
On this first day of the first month of a Gregorian calendar year – when magic is almost tangible because of the massive levels of eager anticipation, excitement, and faith in the future; when celebrations across the globe, modest or flamboyant, are based on laughter, love, and abundance; when the dawn of a new day is celebrated with the joy we should reserve for every other morning – on this first day, I don’t set goals. I don’t focus on resolutions. I only look for inspiration in the faces of the children, for, there, I find my guidelines for this and any year ahead.
So, I vow to myself to: