My Unusual Journeys
Pathways to Meaning and PeaceWelcome!
I am Konstantina: a writer, traveller, and entrepreneur. Passionate about stories, communities, and the mysteries of our humanity. I have often been described as an “Activist for Knowledge”, “Wisdom Simplifier”, and “Impact Co-creator” – perhaps there is some truth in such descriptions. What I can say for sure is that I am occasionally courageous and wild, curious as a cat, frequently perplexed, and stubbornly persistent. My life’s purpose: to help people create new narratives and leave behind, as a legacy, a voice of unity and peace.
I go through life documenting thoughts and impressions, inspired by my travels, the wonders of our world, and the fragile nature of our humanity.

Cape Tenaro: another entrance to the Underworld
Hades, the god of the dead and the underworld, was not honoured with temples in ancient Greece, nor was he depicted in statues or other representations, despite his prominent seat in the Greek Pantheon. His realm remained unseen: gloomy and misty for those burdened by...

Qanater Zbeydi: a hidden gem at the outskirts of Beirut
Hazmieh is one of those beautiful suburbs of Beirut with a dominant European-like influence and a calmness that invariably surprises the ignorant visitor. Perched at the top of high hills and surrounded by unexpectedly steep slopes, the town coquettishly rises above...

Pont Neuf and its message of unity
Paris holds a soft spot in my heart. It was the first city abroad that I visited as a child, while its picturesque streets became, on several occasions, the stage where some of my most tender experiences unfolded. The essence of the city exists inside me; over the...

The magic behind the New Year celebrations
For decades, we universally tend to look at the 1st of January as the threshold of some significant new beginning. Regardless of any religious or calendar differences, the New Year celebrations are infused with magic, inherent in the essence of the festivities and...