The trail we leave behind

In preparation for my upcoming trip to Crete island, I have been dusting off my memory on the Minoan civilisation, pondering how little we truly know about these people. We may debate on how they called themselves (the term “Minoan” is, after all, an arbitrary term), on the role of women in their society, or on whether they were more peaceful than other civilisations of the time. Yet, most of our thoughts are mere conjectures, as, in the absence of any deciphered written documents, we clumsily try to piece together the story recounted by the archaeological remains, often projecting in the process our current social or spiritual explorations.
Despite all the unknown parameters, to this day, humanity stands enchanted in front of the discovered sites. For, ultimately, it does not matter if a name withstands the passage of time or even if our creations can be fully understood by future generations. The trail we leave behind, distinguished or modest, is always discernible and meaningful. Our life’s purpose is only to build it.
Photo credits: © Konstantina Sakellariou